Mandi Toutsch: Blog 2020-03-16T07:29:00Z (C) Mandi Toutsch Mandi Toutsch Keeping active...

Fascinating how like horses, when human runs, we completely lift off the ground.  As my future with running, it will be volunteering and /or walking.  As my 70-year-old yoga teacher in Menlo Park said at the Community Center, being active keeps you fit.

Congratulations to the winners.

In 1878 Eadweard Muybridge photographed a horse named "Occident" in fast motion using a series of 12 stereoscopic cameras. The first experience successfully took place on June 11 at the Palo Alto ...

Mandi Toutsch (C) Mandi Toutsch 2019-07-28T15:19:47Z 2019-07-28T15:19:47Z Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2018!

Reflecting on 2017, it seems like such a year of turmoil. My hope for 2018 is that we see more examples of kindness and compassion between each of us rather than unrest and hate. 

As I took a road trip from California to the Midwest, I am reminded of the natural beauty that makes up our country. Sadly not all of us have had the opportunity to do such a thing in the US.  St. Louis, Gateway to the West – May 2017

Reflecting on 2017, it seems like such a year of turmoil. My hope for 2018 is that we see more examples of kindness and compassion between each of us rather than unrest and hate. 

As I took a road trip from California to the Midwest, I am reminded of the natural beauty that makes up our country. Sadly not all of us have had the opportunity to do such a thing in the US.  I am grateful I was blessed to do when I was a child.

Being in Iowa and traveling throughout the Midwest and California for part of this year, I see how the small company town and county seat I grew up in 35 years ago fades away slowly.  From 6 stores closing in the center of town this summer, to the realtors only building businesses close to the highway rather than in the town center, to property manager luring people from larger cities to live on welfare in the small town and then not giving back to the community which they lured them to. Where are the ideas to build healthier and supportive community?

Then there is the Midwest’s health care system and the family drama about getting a reasonable speed to answer on a basic a test result or billing question. Unfortunately, the Midwest is not the only location this challenge exists.  I found the same challenges within the state of California the past few years.  

Now I better understand the struggles and I knew the challenges of other parts of the country. For the last 10 years, I made a point to explore the state of my birth, California. When I visit the small town I was born in Humboldt County, and the even smaller town where my parents lived, Trinidad, CA. I realize the same challenges face so many of us once we get past our comfort zone where we reside and look at the larger community.  A business colleague who is from Upstate New York originally reminded me of Steve Case’s move to Rise of the Rest

During the holiday season we are reminded we are part of a global community. This UN video of Refugees singing - Silent Night reminds me of our larger global family –I wish for more kindness and compassion all of us who moved to America for a better life.

We are all immigrants in the United States unless we were blessed to be Native Americans. My mom’s family moved over from England in 1634 and my dad’s family in the 1840’s from Luxembourg. How about you? Do you know your story to America?

May we open our hearts and minds to being kind and compassionate to each other as we are blessed to experience this beautiful world together at this present time!

Best wishes, Mandi


Mandi Toutsch (C) Mandi Toutsch 2017-12-28T17:17:56Z 2017-12-28T17:17:56Z Why photography?

First of all I regretted for traveling for work to a number of fantastic places and not having any photos from my travels. During the 90’s, I was blessed to travel to England, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Canada for work. When I got laid off, I bought a little point & shoot digital camera which easily fits into my purse. Now, I do not travel overseas much, but I do take photos of my local travels.   

Reality - I am learning how to take better pictures, so in Seattle I joined a local club learn how to use my camera (oops...point & shoots) are not ‘really’ cameras, so I dug out a old K1000 that I inherited from my dad. I found it was a great conversation piece with the knowledgeable photographers. 

Mandi Toutsch (C) Mandi Toutsch 2017-05-15T15:33:08Z 2017-05-15T15:33:08Z Making your portfolio…

As a photographer, wise words I took away from my instructor in building your portfolio -   “Why do you take photos? What subject matter do I want to shoot?” 

On this site you’ll find mainly travel photos to keep memories of places I have been.  

Mandi Toutsch (C) Mandi Toutsch 2016-10-08T05:29:42Z 2016-10-08T05:29:42Z